With no boat shows to attend this year, we have decided to run a 3-month long boat show instead.
Buy your new boat now at 3.49% with no interests and no payments until spring or save up to $1,500!
Whether you like to fish, enjoy rides in a pontoon with your family, water ski or just lounge, we have great options in our inventory for 2021 boats!
Here are some of them:
16 Widebody LS (Legend Boats): It is a deep and wide utility boat equipped with comfortable split seating, a V-bottom, oar locks and more.
17 Splash Cottage (Legend Boats): It is a pontoon with an innovative design that allows the two front loungers to convert into a comfortable bed for relaxing or spending a night out under the stars.
18 XTR (Legend Boats): This is a boat designed for you and your family, and to look cool while you are fishing!
Our inventory may be limited, so buy early and boat early!
How to reach us:
- Email at [email protected]
- Message on Facebook
- Give us a shout at 705-752-3666 (toll free 1-877-752-1666)